21 February 2017

Ruby on Rails | Data Base


  • IDs columns are mostly generated by rails.
  • To create a single migration use this command: rails generate migration create_tableName >> e.g. rails generate migration create_articles
  • after generating migration, you'll need to add column to your table. By adding it to your migration file. When you're finished type in: rake db:migrate
  • To create table and everything related to it, you can simply type in this command line: rails generate scaffold Tablename firstColumn:dataTyp secondColumn:dataTyp >> e.g. rails generate scafold User username:string email:string
  • A scaffold in Rails is a full set of model, database migration for that model, controller to manipulate it, views to view and manipulate the data, and a test suite for each of the above.
  • To migrate your database type in: rake db: migrate
  • Migrations are a convenient way to alter your database schema over time in a consistent and easy way. They use a Ruby DSL so that you don't have to write SQL by hand, allowing your schema and changes to be database independent.
  • In 'rails console' you can change the data of your database using ruby code. For example, in the 'users' table you can grab any user by 'user_id' using User.find(userID) or if you want to toggle any Boolean information in your database, you can use this code: user = User.find(1) and user.toggle!(:admin) this code will change admin status of user 1 to true or false. change User and :admin to your need


  • Validations are added in model class. 
  • Example of validations of presence and length: validates :username, presence: true, length:{minimum: 3, maximum: 25}
  • Example of validations of uniqueness: validates :email, uniqueness:{case_sensitive:false}
  • If you want that all emails are to be formatted to lowercase in your database, simply add before_save {self.email = email.downcase} to your User model.
  • more example: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations.html


  • To create foreign key association when creating scaffold, type in: rails generate scaffold TableName firstColumn:dataType secondColumn:dataType tableTobeAssociated:references >> e.g. rails generate scaffold Comment description:text user:references 
  • Now we know that association has been made between users and comments, we might want to explicit some details of association. for example we want to tell our database that a user can have many comments, we have to add this line to the User model: has_many :comments
  • If you want to associate two tables manually, you will have to make some changes to the model of each table. In the User model, we have to add has_many :articles ; and in the Article model, we have to add belongs_to :user
  • This will store the userID in your table whenever a comment is made.


Useful command line

  • To go to rails console for testing your database : rails console
  • To exit the console: exit
  • To see the existing routes: rake routes
  • To destroy scaffold in case you made mistakes: rails destroy scaffold TableName
  • You have to be in your app directory before using all this command.

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